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TiendaTodos › VITAL ZYMES | Klaire | 120cap

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VITAL ZYMES  | Klaire | 120cap

VITAL ZYMES | Klaire | 120cap

Marca: Klaire   Modelo: 120cap


39,95 €
Ref: 010890001

Potent, full-spectrum enzyme blend for maximal support of intestinal function.

This high-potency, multi-enzyme formulation offers an unusually complete range of plant/microbial-based enzymes that work in concert to help maintain normal enzyme levels that support the body’s digestive capabilities and assist intestinal repair mechanisms. The broad-spectrum combination of enzymes in Vital-Zymes™ Complete maximizes the breakdown, absorption, and utilization of macronutrients from the widest spectrum of foods, including proteins and protein peptides, carbohydrates, disaccharides, and sugars, lipids/fats, and vegetable fibers. As such, Vital-Zymes™ Complete can serve as an important dietary adjunct for individuals requiring maximal nutrient uptake and for those with compromised gastrointestinal function such as maldigestion, malabsorption, dysbiosis, or intestinal inflammation.